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How to cancel / terminate a service?

If you wish to cancel one of your services please follow the steps below:

Keep in mind that you are never forced to renew a service, if you just don't pay an invoice your service will be suspended 1 day after its due date.


Attention: Cancellations do not give right to a refund in "real" money.

If you do not wish to receive the renewal invoice or if you wish to terminate the service before its next due date:

Go to my services on your client area. Click on the green arrow next to the service you want to terminate then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the cancellation request button.
Please leave a note to let us know why you wish to terminate, if you have any issue with your service please  contact our support first so we can assist you.

Cancellation types:

  1. Immediate: the servive will be terminated immediately and you will be credited its value* on your roxservers account balance so you can use it to order/renew other services.
  2. End of billing period: the service will be active until its next due date, you will not receive a renewal invoice and it will be terminated on due date.

*For virtual servers (VPS), game servers, voice servers and web hosting only. Other services will be termianted within 24 hours without credit granted. The virtual credit can only be used to pay invoices on and cannot be refunded.

If you requested a termination at the "end of the billing period" but changed your mind afterwards please contact our support asap to request it to be removed.

Important: if you subscribed to a Paypal automatic payment you must cancel that subscription from your paypal account. If you don't your paypal account will keep sending us money, that money will be used to renew your service, if your service was terminated it will be credited on your roxservers account balance.

Similarly if you have used the payment by credit card via the payment portal stripe please note that your card is securely registered on stripe and used for renewals. You can see which card is used in your customer area (we do not store any bank data, for stripe we only store the last 4 digits of the credit card and its expiration date so that you can see which card is used) . Without cancellation of your part the service is renewed between 10 and 30 days before its due according to its cycle of invoicing.

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