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Demand for HurtWorld game servers was very strong on these last 2 months which prompted us to set up many new machines (with the costs involved). As demand is now stabilizing we have a better short- and medium-term view and can allow us to refine our pricing to match closer to the price/quality ratio that has made us successful.
It is with great pleasure that we announce an overall decline in our rates and the introduction of new offers from 4 slots for only € 3.99 / month.

If you are already a client:
- Slots for your server were increased to stick as close to your pricing. You can reduce these slots if you prefer to pay less rather than benefit from more slots.
- If your server has been suspended due to non payment of the renewal invoice the amount thereof has been adjusted downwards and you can reactivate the server by making payment.

For further questions please contact us.

Friday, January 29, 2016

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