Fire at OVH datacenter (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Updated on 2021/05/08

    ### English version (scroll down for french version / descendez pour la version française):

    On March 10th 2021 there was a fire at OVH datacenter in Strasbourg,France. We had several machines hosting our services there.

    Here is an update of the impact on our services based on the information provided by OVH:

    • website (customer area included): Restored.

    • Customers websites / emails / domain names : Restored. 30 extra days were granted to our customers as a compensation.

    • Minecraft game servers: we now have stock for new orders

    • Game Servers: Restored. 2 months of free hosting were offered to our customers.

    Thank you for your patience and for your understanding.

    French version (scroll up for english version):

    Un incendie a touché le datacentre OVH de Strasbourg le 10 mars 2021. Ce datacentre hébergeait une partie de nos services. Voici un point sur l'impact sur nos services en fonction des informations dont nous disposons de la part d'OVH:

    • site web (espace client inclus) : Restauré.

    • sites web / emails / noms de domaines de nos clients : Restaurés. 30 jours gratuits ont été ajoutés en compensation

    • Serveurs minecraft: nous avons de nouveau du stock

    • Serveurs de jeux: Restaurés. 60 jours de gratuité d'hébergement ont été ajoutés en compensation.

    Merci pour votre patience et pour votre compréhension.

  • Date - 10/03/2021 09:28 - 15/05/2021 11:12
  • Last Updated - 08/05/2021 12:18
Scheduled maintenance (Upgrade) (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • During the second half of December 2020 we will perform an upgrade of our Minecraft hosting machines.

    • CPU will be standardized to Xeon E5-1620v2 (3.9 GHz turboost)
    • RAM modules  (currently 1333MHz) will be upgraded to 1600MHz. All the machines will get their RAM doubled to better answer the growing needs in RAM caused by the evolution of the game and by mod packs. This will let us continue offering free RAM upgrades with our Minecraft slots offer.
    • SSD drives will be replaced by bigger ones to allow more storage and follow the evolution of the game (bigger worlds, mod packs etc)

    After the upgrade we will also rethink our Minecraft RAM offer, more info will come later about this.

    How will this affect your service?

    • If you are renting another game server than Minecraft java edition you are not affected by this operation.
    • If you are renting a Minecraft game server (Java edition only e.g. Minecraft slots or RAM offer) your game server will be taken down during few minutes during the operation (Let's say an hour to be safe).
    • This should be totally transparent (no IP change, files will be copied over to new SSD drives). Should you notice anything wrong after the operations please let us know ASAP. We will keep a copy of the old game servers during few days only, again just to be safe.

    Please note:

    • in accordance with our terms of service we might delete some backup files stored on game servers (zip files created manually, zip backups created by backup mods for example). This will allow to speed up the copy operations. We recommend you to download your backups if you want to keep a copy.
    • We will NOT copy the mcmyadmin backups to the new SSD drives (however we will keep the old ones for a few days and new backups will be created on the new drives).


    Update on 2020/12/23: This task has now been completed

  • Date - 18/12/2020 00:00 - 23/12/2020 14:54
  • Last Updated - 23/12/2020 14:54
Game Servers down in France (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Some of our machines hosted in France are currently down due to an issue with the datacenter. We expect them to be back online shortly.

    Servers went back online but one of them is still getting connection issues, our host is investigating.

    The affected machine is located in rack 23B19 :

    The incident link with ovh:


    The OS got somehow corrupted by the incident. We are taking backups before a reload. We apologize for inconveniance. 

    Downtime will be compensated on demand but for now please do not submit/update support ticket about this incident as this will only slow down operation. We will keep this post updated.


    Update: The OVH outage caused a hard drive to die. We managed to backup quite some files but some may be lost / corrupt (thus why operation is taking much time). We are finishing reloading OS and will start recovering services.




  • Date - 14/12/2020 12:09 - 20/12/2020 03:54
  • Last Updated - 15/12/2020 20:13
Web hosting / domains (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - roxweb
  • Our web hosting services (domain names, websites) are going to be migrated by our networking provider. As such services will experience a down time of few hours.
    Migration will allow us to run more frequent backups among other benefits.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Update: Migration has gone through issues on OVH side due to network changes, we are in queue to get it fixed

    Update : services are back

    Update: After a short working period our bandwidth provider is having issues again, we are waiting for a solution.

    Update : services are back

    Update on 2020/08/12 : Services are down

    Update : Services are back up and OVH managed to identify an issue.

    Update on 2020/08/14 : Services go down on a daily basis and our provider will intervene on their daily backup system as they suspect it to be hanging the server on a daily basis.

    Update on 2020/08/15 : Web services are back up and daily backup has been temporarily disabled until OVH releases a fix. We strongly recommend you to make and download your own backup copy just to be safe until the backup feature can be used again on our side.

  • Date - 05/08/2020 17:00 - 15/08/2020 20:20
  • Last Updated - 15/08/2020 19:25
Minecraft servers running on (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Due to a RAID (disks) issue on that machine all the minecraft game servers data files were corrupted/lost.

    Unfortunately in that situation no data can be recovered. The issue is limited to servers running on IP (only a few servers).


    If your server is on this IP we offer you 2 options as a compensation for the loss:
    - a refund of the pro rated value left of your server
    - a free month extension*

    Please submit a support ticket to let us know which compensation you would like and accept our apologies.

    *Note that you can already get your server back up and running if you opt for a fre month extension: to do so simply perform a reinstall from the main control panel.

  • Date - 11/08/2020 08:00 - 08/12/2020 16:01
  • Last Updated - 11/08/2020 23:54
Web hostinh Down (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Web hosting services including DNS are currently down due to an issue with out network provider (OVH). They are investigating and our services should get back running within shortly.

  • Date - 17/06/2020 11:42 - 17/06/2020 17:17
  • Last Updated - 17/06/2020 14:43
Voice servers (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Due to a software issue a dozen of voice servers were corrupted as well as their backups.

    Unfortunately as the backups are corrupted we are unable to restore them and will be creating new servers.

    As a compensation we offer our affected customers 2 choices:
    - get their slots raised by 30% for free and for life
    - get 30% of their latest renewal invoice credited to their account balance

    We apologize for the inconvenience. Note that the new servers will be created on a new IP for teamspeak servers only. Murmur (mumble) servers will keep their IPs.

  • Date - 25/01/2020 20:59 - 30/01/2020 17:44
  • Last Updated - 07/04/2020 11:32
Network outage (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • OVH network which is hosting us is having an outage:

  • Date - 30/03/2020 17:43 - 31/03/2020 21:12
  • Last Updated - 30/03/2020 17:43
Game Panel under maintenance (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Our game/voice control panel is under unexpected maintenance due to a software issue. It is expected to be back online during the day.

  • Date - 26/01/2020 01:22 - 27/01/2020 00:06
  • Last Updated - 26/01/2020 01:23
Game/voice Control Panel (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • 2019/01/25: We are having an issue with the web interface of the Game/Voice panel. The web configuration seems to break by itself, we are investigating.
    2019/01/27: After reinstalling the panel the same issue came back, most likely due to hardware problem. Access to panel has been restored using a work around but we will have to schedule a maintenance for the hardware replacement.

  • Date - 25/01/2019 11:18 - 17/10/2019 14:33
  • Last Updated - 27/01/2019 11:55
Important: server migration (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • # French version:

    Chers utilisateurs,
    Dans le cadre de l'amélioration de nos services nous allons prochainement migrer une partie de nos serveurs de jeux sur une nouvelle infrastructure offrant plus de souplesse, plus de sécurité (meilleure protection anti ddos) et une bien meilleure réactivité en cas de panne matérielle.
    Les serveurs de jeux concernés sont ceux dont l'ip commence par 87.98.194.X et 87.98.195.X (un email spécifique a été envoyé personnellement à chaque utilisateur concerné, merci de vérifier votre dossier spam par sécurité).

    Concrètement nous allons créer une copie de votre serveur de jeu sur une nouvelle adresse. Votre serveur sera désactivé quelques minutes le temps de la copie puis vous aurez temporairement 2 serveurs (l'ancien voué à disparaître, et le nouveau sur une nouvelle adresse).
    Les anciens serveurs devraient être supprimés le 25 février mais cette date pourra être repoussée en cas de contrainte technique. Dès que vous aurez votre nouveau serveur nous vous encourageons à communiquer son adresse à vos habitués que ce soit en jeu, en utilisant le MOTD pour les jeux en ayant un ou bien en renommant l'ancien serveur de façon à indiquer la nouvelle adresse.
    Si vous utilisez un nom de domaine redirigé sur l'adresse de votre serveur mettez à jour la redirection vers la nouvelle adresse.
    Notre support d'aide reste à votre disposition pour toute question.
    Vous recevrez un email de confirmation lorsque votre serveur sera copié. Les copies vont commencer rapidement et seront terminées au moins 10 jours avant la mise hors ligne des anciens serveurs.
    Merci pour votre compréhension lors de cette phase importante d'amélioration qualitative.

    Mise à jour du 13/02/2018:

    Comme annoncé précédemment nous avons procédé à la migration de votre serveur sur une nouvelle infrastructure plus sécurisée, plus flexible et nous permettant des interventions plus rapides en cas de pannes matérielles.
    Votre serveur a été copié sur une nouvelle machine avec une nouvelle adresse.
    Merci de bien vouloir vous assurer que la copie de votre serveur est fonctionnelle avant le 25 février 2018 et nous signaler tout dysfonctionnement potentiel avant cette date afin de nous permettre d'intervenir ou relancer la copie si besoin. Passée cette date votre ancien serveur sera définitivement supprimé.
    Nous vous invitons également à communiquer l'adresse du nouveau serveur à vos habitués par tous les moyens possibles et notamment par exemple en envoyant des messages en jeu ou en éditant le MOTD (Message Of The DAY) sur votre ancien serveur.
    Toute progression effectuée sur l'ancien serveur sera perdue, il est donc important de commencer à utiliser votre nouveau serveur dès aujourd'hui.
    Merci pour votre compréhension.

    Mise à jour du 24/02/2018:

    Comme annoncé précédemment la migration a été achevée et aujourd'hui est le dernier jour avant suppression des "anciens" serveurs.
    Merci de bien vouloir vérifier que votre "nouveau" serveur (copie de l'ancien) est fonctionnel et de nous contacter en urgence si ce n'est pas le cas.



    # English version

    Dear user,
    As part of the improvement of our services we will soon migrate some of our game servers on a new infrastructure offering more flexibility, more security (better protection against ddos) but also more efficiency in case of hardware failure.
    Touched game servers are those having an IP starting in 87.98.194.X and 87.98.195.X (a specific email has been sent to each concerned game server owner, please check your spam folder to be safe).
    We will create a copy of your game server on a new address. Your server will be disabled a few minutes the time of the copy then you will temporarily have 2 servers (the old one destined to disappear, and the new one on a new address).
    Old servers should be removed on February 25, but this date may be postponed in case of technical constraint. As soon as you have your new server we encourage you to communicate its address to your regulars whether it is in game, using the MOTD for games supporting it or by renaming the old server to indicate the new address.
    If you use a redirected domain name on your server address, please update the redirection to the new address.
    Our support remains at your disposal for any question.
    You will receive a confirmation email when your server is copied. Copies will start within shortly and are expected to be achieved at least 10 days before old servers termination.
    Thank you for your understanding during this important phase of qualitative improvement.

    2018/02/13 update:

    As previously announced, we have migrated your server to a new, more secure and more flexible infrastructure, allowing us faster interventions in the event of hardware failures.
    Your server has been copied to a new machine with a new address.
    Please ensure that the copy of your server is functional before February 25, 2018 and report any potential malfunction before that date to allow us to intervene or restart the copy if necessary. Past this date your old server will be permanently deleted.
    We also invite you to communicate the new server address to your regulars by all possible means and especially for example by sending messages in game or by editing the MOTD (Message Of The DAY) on your old server.
    Any progress made on the old server will be lost, so it is important to start using your new server today.
    Thanks for your understanding.

    2018/02/24 update:


    As previously announced the migration has been completed and today is the last day before removal of "old" servers.
    Please check that your "new" server (copy of old) is functional and contact us urgently if this is not the case.

    The crew

  • Date - 10/02/2018 18:23 - 25/02/2018 00:00
  • Last Updated - 26/02/2018 20:12
Hardware maintenance 1 machine (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • One of our machines in France is causing performance issues and as such we are currently performing a maintenance operation (hardware/network testing and stressing).

    The services hosted on that machine are down for the test.

    The following Ip's are touched:

    Update: Problem has been identified, there was a software issue with one game server having an intermittent huge memory leak causing the system to be unresponsive at times. The game server has been reconfigured to stop causing issues.

  • Date - 27/12/2017 09:00 - 27/12/2017 13:42
  • Last Updated - 27/12/2017 13:42
1 machine down (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • 1 of our machines is having OS software issue, we are working on it and might move the game servers on a different machine (preserving the IP's) if necessary.
    Touched IP's are as follows:

    Update: We have moved the servers and their IP's to another machine while fixing the faulty one. Please report us any possible issue you might have.

  • Date - 29/11/2017 13:35
  • Last Updated - 29/11/2017 21:13
1 machine offline (ovh outage) (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • OVH (our network provider) has experimented a major outage today. Due to this 1 of our machines is still offline at this time.
    Touched IP is:

  • Date - 09/11/2017 07:25 - 29/11/2017 13:35
  • Last Updated - 10/11/2017 10:20
1 machine down (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • One of our machines hosting minecraft game severs is currently down in France.

    Disk issues are suspected at this point.


    IP's touched are and

    Update: Servers have been re created, colmpensations are given on case by case depending your contract length, last reinstall etc, please do not hesitate to contact us to receive your compensation and again sorry for this unfortunate incident.

  • Date - 04/10/2017 01:50 - 09/11/2017 10:42
  • Last Updated - 05/10/2017 16:24
Web hosting maintenance (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - roxweb
  • We are performing unscheduled maintenance and tests on our web hosting system. 

    Our users websites will be down for few minutes only.

    Thank you for your comprehension.

  • Date - 07/09/2017 14:44 - 07/09/2017 15:02
  • Last Updated - 07/09/2017 14:46
VPS node down (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - SolusVM
  • Our VPS node in France is currently down. Situation is under investigation.
    Update => we are currently finishing to backup the VPS before reloading Operating System. All our users data is safe.
    Update 17:15 => restoring is in progress
    Update 20:32 => We are still facing an error when booting up the node, we will have to delay the restoration to tomorrow, compensation will be offered to customers hosted there, we are sorry for inconvenience caused.
    Update 2017/03/05 16:02 => The node has been set back up and we are currently restoring the VM's from backups
    All the services are now back up. The issue is now closed.

    2  extra days have been added to each and every VPS contract hosted on that node as a compensation for the down time.

  • Date - 04/03/2017 05:45
  • Last Updated - 06/03/2017 13:51
Web hosting maintenance operation (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Server - roxweb
  • English
    We are performing a maintenance operation on the web hosting backups system. This requires to take down the web hosting services for few minutes.

    Nous faisons une opération de maintenance sur le système de backups des hébergements web ce qui requiert la coupure des hébergements web durant quelques minutes.

  • Date - 23/01/2017 09:28 - 04/03/2017 09:56
  • Last Updated - 23/01/2017 09:30
Web hosting / Domains (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - roxweb

  • Les hébergements web et nos de domaine sont actuellement en maintenance non planifiée suite à des tentatives de hack. Nous prévoyons un retour à la normale sous 2h et nous excusons pour le désagrément. Merci pour votre patience.

    Web hosting and our domain names arecurrently under unplanned maintenance as a result of hack attempts. We expect a return to normal within about 2 hours. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.

  • Date - 21/06/2016 20:55 - 21/06/2016 22:52
  • Last Updated - 21/06/2016 20:57
Unplanned maintenance - 1 machine (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • We have a possible faulty RAM module on one of our machines. Servers will be taken down during memory tests

    Update 2016/04/09 10:35 am UTC+2:
    Tests have been performed,
    Ram module was confirmed to be faulty and will be replaced ASAP. Machine will be taken down for about 15 minutes during replacement.

    Update 2016/04/09 11:15 am UTC+2:
    All the RAM modules were replaced, machine performances are now being monitored

    Touched IP's are as follows:

  • Date - 08/04/2016 23:41 - 21/06/2016 20:57
  • Last Updated - 09/04/2016 11:30
Anti DDos maintenance (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Une maintenance non planifiée est en cours sur l'anti DDos au niveau de notre fournisseur de bande passante (OVH). Cela cause une perte de paquets répétée sur nos Ip's bénéficiant de la protection anti DDoS avancée soit:
    La situation devrait être réglée dans les meilleurs délais par OVH mais nous n'avons pas d'heure précise.

    A maintenance is ongoing on our enhanced anti DDoS protection performed by our bandwidth provier (OVH). This is causing repeated packet drops (disconnects) for the following Ip's:
    While this should be fixed aspa by OVH we have no ETA to communicate at this time.

  • Date - 24/02/2016 20:21 - 24/02/2016 21:39
  • Last Updated - 24/02/2016 20:24
Maintenance on 1 machine (France) (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • One of the hard drives has died and requires replacement on one of our machines.
    Unfortunately this is the hard drive with game server files but we have a backup of most important data (this may not include certain files such as executables however we will batch patch the servers after maintenance to address this).
    The hard drive will be replaced asap (approx. within 2 hours).

    Servers are down during the maintenance window

    Touched IP's are as follows:

  • Date - 27/01/2016 08:50 - 24/02/2016 20:10
  • Last Updated - 27/01/2016 08:53
Enhanced Ddos temporarily down (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Due to an extremely and abnormally large amount of repeated ddos attacks the IP's with enhanced protection are currently down.

    Touched Ip's are as follows:


    We are working on the issue and will update this status.

    Issue has been sorted few hours ago and all has been stable until now, issue is closed.

  • Date - 23/01/2016 17:27
  • Last Updated - 23/01/2016 21:17
Web hosting maintenance (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - roxweb
  • # Une maintenance est en cours sur nos hébergements web / noms de domaine. Les services seront de nouveau accessibles une fois la maintenance terminée.

    # A maintenance is in progress on our web hosting / Domain names. Services will be available again after the maintenance.

  • Date - 23/01/2016 09:19 - 23/01/2016 11:27
  • Last Updated - 23/01/2016 09:20
Web hosting maintenance (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • An unplanned maintenance is in progress for all our web hosting packages. We will also upgrade the hard disk space during that maintenance window.

    Estimated time: about 1 hour

  • Date - 12/01/2016 13:15 - 23/01/2016 09:21
  • Last Updated - 12/01/2016 13:42
Network issue - Canada (Resolved)
Server migration (Canada) (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Dear users,

    We are going to perform a consolidation of our service moving some Minecraft game servers from a machine to another. This will also improve the SSD disk space usage allowing us to allocate you more space if/when needed.
    Servers with the following Ip's will be touched:

    We expect a down time of 2 to 4 hours, as the operation will be performed between 4 and 8 am this should not affect you much.

    Please contact us should you have any question.

  • Date - 20/09/2015 10:00 - 20/09/2015 15:50
  • Last Updated - 19/09/2015 10:29
1 machine down for unplanned maintenance (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Français
    Une de nos machines est actuellement indisponible pour une maintenance non planifiée du système de backups défaillant.
    Nous posterons une estimation de la durée dès que possible.
    Le serveurs avec les Ip's suivantes sont par conséquent indisponibles:

    One of our machines is currently under unplanned maintenance to fix the broken backups system.
    As a consequence game services with the following Ip's are unavailable:

  • Date - 11/08/2015 13:35 - 11/08/2015 16:30
  • Last Updated - 11/08/2015 13:52
Web hosting under maintenance (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Our web hosting infrastructure is unavailable due to a maintenance from our bandwidth provider. We expect the services to be back shortly.

  • Date - 24/07/2015 17:19 - 24/07/2015 20:25
  • Last Updated - 24/07/2015 17:19
Maintenance - 1 Machine (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • One of our machines is currently under maintenance for memory modules testing.

    The game servers with the following IP's are unavailable during the maintenance window (estimated to be 09:30am - 11:30am UTC+2:

  • Date - 24/07/2015 10:17 - 24/07/2015 17:20
  • Last Updated - 24/07/2015 10:20
1 machine with SSD disk down (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • English:

    One of our minecraft machines got a dead SSD drive, we will schedule replacement asap.
    As a consequence game servers with IP are temporarily down.
    We make daily backups of data and will restore the files after disk replacement.

    Update: the disk has been replaced, we are now restoring services.


    L'une de nos machines hébergeant minecraft a un disque SSD hors service. Nous allons planifier son remplacement dans les meilleurs délais.
    En conséquence les serveurs ayant pour IP sont temporairement indisponibles.
    Nous faisons un backup quotidien des données et restaurerons donc les fichiers après changement du disque.

    Mise à jour: Le disque a été changé, nous restaurons à présent les services.

  • Date - 09/07/2015 18:43 - 09/07/2015 20:54
  • Last Updated - 09/07/2015 20:54
Maintenance - (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Français - Une maintenance non planifiée est en cours pour vérification du matériel suite à une coupure d'alimentation. Les serveurs hébergés sur cette IP sont indispoinibles pendant la maintenance. Temps estimé: 1 à 2h

    English - An unplanned maintenance is in progress to check hardware after an unexpected power outage. Servers hosted on that IP are unavailable during maintenance. ETA: 1 to 2 hours.

  • Date - 26/02/2015 13:40 - 26/02/2015 16:54
  • Last Updated - 26/02/2015 13:42
Maintenance - (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • 01/02/2015 16:50:
    L'alimentation a été remplacée, nous testons la stabilité.

    Power supply unit has been replaced , we are now testing system stability.

    01/02/2015 16:19 : 
    Nous constatons un défaut sur la machine hébergeant les serveurs avec l'IP
    Des tests matériel sont en cours afin d'intervenir au plus vite pour un éventuel remplacement.

    The machine hosting servers with IP is currently having issues
    We are performing hardware tests to fix the faulty component(s) asap.


  • Date - 01/02/2015 16:19 - 01/02/2015 18:45
  • Last Updated - 01/02/2015 16:51
Routing (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Français:

    Nous rencontrons actuellement un problème de routage sur l'IP Les services hébergés sur cette IP sont actuellement inaccessibles. 
    Nous nous attendons à une résolution dans les minutes/heures à venir.


    We are experimenting a routing issue with IP Services hosted on that IP are currently unavailable.
    We expect this to be fixed in the upcoming minutes/hours.

  • Date - 21/01/2015 15:17 - 21/01/2015 15:36
  • Last Updated - 21/01/2015 15:19
Hébergements web / domaines (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - roxweb
  • Suite à une mise à jour des équipements du réseau OVH nous rencontrons un problème de name servers qui ne résolvent plus les noms de domaines vers les IP's.
    Les Ip's assignées par OVH à nos nameservers ne répondent en effet plus.

    Les redirections ne se font donc plus et les noms de domaines / sous domaines ne sont actuellement pas utilisables.

    Nous avons contacté OVH pour que cet incident soit résolu dans les plus brefs délais.

    Mise à jour: En attendant et pour assurer un fonctionnement nous avons ajouté un 3eme nameserver: Si votre site web ou redirection web ne fonctionne toujours pas contactez le support que l'on vérifie que votre domaine aie les bons réglages DNS.


    A network upgrade perofrmed by our bandwidth provider (OVH) caused our nameservers IP's to no longer be routed properly resulting in hostnames not being resolved anymore.

    As a consequence hostnames used for websites or redirections are not working at the moment.

    We contacted OVH and expect a prompt fix.

    Update: as a temporary work around we have created a third nameserver: All hostnames should be resolved now. If not please contact support.

  • Date - 11/11/2014 08:00
  • Last Updated - 11/11/2014 19:44
Maintenance planifiée - 1 machine (Minecraft) (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Bonjour,

    Dans le cadre d'une opération de maintenance planifiée le 25/09/2014 entre 8h et midi les serveurs Minecraft utilisant les IP's suivantes seront indispnibles:

    Nous nous tenons à votre disposition si vous avez des questions concernant cette opération qui n'apportera pas de modifications à votre serveur ou à sa configuration. indisponible pendant la durée de la maintenance.



  • Date - 25/09/2014 08:00 - 25/09/2014 12:55
  • Last Updated - 15/09/2014 17:05
MySQL Upgrade (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Server - roxweb
  • Nous mettons à jour les bases de données mysql vers la version 5.5, quelques minutes d'indisponibilité sont à prévoir.

  • Date - 20/06/2014 09:21 - 20/06/2014 09:45
  • Last Updated - 20/06/2014 09:22
Maintenance Web (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - roxweb
  • Une maintenance est en cours sur nos hébergements web afin d'améliorer leurs performances (changement de machine).

    Les services seront indisponibles durant la maintenance (temps estimé 2 à 3h).

    Merci pour votre compréhension.

  • Date - 15/10/2013 12:46 - 31/10/2013 14:48
  • Last Updated - 15/10/2013 12:47
1 machine hors ligne (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Français

    L'une de nos machines est actuellement indisponible, un technicien va intervenir d'ici 2 à 3h.
    Les IP's affectées sont: et à

    Intervention terminée, machine en ligne


    One of our machines is currently down, a tech will be on site within 2 or 3 hours to fix it.
    Touched IP's are as follows: and to

    Maintenance over, machine is online

  • Date - 24/07/2013 15:10 - 24/07/2013 16:27
  • Last Updated - 24/07/2013 16:27
Maintenance et tests (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Français

    Nous allons lancer quelques tests ce matin afin de faire des vérifications de maintenance et d'éventuelles mises à jour.
    Veuillez noter que votre serveur de jeu pourra être amené à redémarrer 1 à 2 fois durant ces tests.

    Merci pour votre compréhension.


    We are going to perform a few maintenance tests and eventually apply updates during the morning. Please note that we might have to reboot the game servers up to 2 times during the tests.

    Thank you for your comprehension.

  • Date - 10/07/2013 09:00 - 10/07/2013 10:19
  • Last Updated - 10/07/2013 08:18
Panne matériell / Hardware failure. 1 machine (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Cher utilisateur,

    La machine hébergeant votre serveur ne répond plus depuis quelques heures, nous allons planifier une intervention au plus vite afin de procéder aux vérifications/réparations nécessaires.
    Merci pour votre compréhension, nous vous tiendrons informé de l'évolution de la situation.

    MàJ: Une intervention est en cours de planification pour demain (le 20/06)



    Dear user,

    the machine hosting your game server has been unresponsive for few hours due to an hardware failure. We are scheduling an intervention as soon as possible to check/repair the faulty hardware.
    We will keep you updated as soon as possible.
    Thank you for your comprehension.

    Update: We are scheduling a tech for tomorrow (june the 20th)

    The crew.

  • Date - 19/06/2013 17:46 - 20/06/2013 12:06
  • Last Updated - 19/06/2013 18:28
Problème de routage - Routing issue (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Game/Voice services
  • Français

    L'une de nos Ip's connaît actuellement un problème de routage entraînant une perte de connexion pour une partie du nord de la France, de la Belgique et du Royaume-Uni.
    L'ip concernée ets qui est rattachée aux noms de domaine et

    Les investigations sont en cours, si vous ne souhaitez pas attendre leur fin nous pouvons déplacer votre serveur si vous avez un mumble ou le recréer si vous avez un teamspeak. Dans les 2 cas vous aurez une adresse différente.
    Si cela vous intéresse merci d'ouvrir un ticket de support.

    Mise à jour: La connexion semble rétablie depuis le 28/04 à 23h , nous attendons confirmation et résulats de l'administrateur réseau.


    One of our IP's is having routing issues causing an outage for a part of north of France, Belgium and United Kingdom.
    Affected IP is (linked to and domain names).

    Investigations are in progress, if you do not wish to wait we can move your server if you have a mumble or re create it if you have a teamspeak. In both cases you will have a different IP. If you are interested please submit a support ticket.

    Update: Routing is sorted since the 28/04 11pm GMT+1, we are awaiting for confirmation and conclusions from the network admin/

  • Date - 27/04/2013 15:57 - 29/04/2013 11:53
  • Last Updated - 29/04/2013 11:53